Sunday, January 13, 2008


In my ongoing search for the right booth setup for upcoming shows I have compared all manner of products and solutions. I already own an EZup canopy which I purchased from the Flourish company a few years back. It's still new in the bag AND it is supposed to be a heavier weight than the EZups that were available from SAMS. I've been told by several artists that most show "beginners" use these as they are less expensive BUT, I had better be prepared to purchase an upgrade as the EZups are not as stable as most in bad weather. I'll probably buy a Show Off canopy which ALSO have the option of purchasing their own set of mesh panels!!! Too many options I tell you.

Initially I thought I would just purchase the mesh panels that fit the EZup but since I do intend to do the suggested upgrade to a more sturdy booth in the coming year I decided against the mesh panels but for a couple of reasons. First off, I didn't want to be tied to my EZup booth because of the panels and I decided that the Pro Panels would be worth the 1200 or so dollars I needed to lay out since I could use them at both outdoor and indoor shows, thereby providing greater use of what I own instead of needing two differing setups.

Now I have to decide if it is really a savings on the shipping by driving down to Dallas to collect my panels once my order is ready. You do need to realize that should you decide to do this, you will be required to pay around 8.25% sales tax in Dallas. Still my minivan gets incredible mileage (the only upside to driving an ugly green MOM VAN!!!) so I should do the trip on one tank each way. The shipping was to be a couple of hundred dollars so the fuel savings should offset the shipping cost, despite the sales tax of around 99.00 or so. Anyway, will have to give this more thought. Perhaps it is time better spent at the easel!